Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome :)

This is my blog about ferrets! specifically mine, and my love for them :) The idea for this blog was a means of showing off my little carpet sharks and some of the crafts Ive made in hopes of raising the funds it takes to take care of them, as well as to donate to my local ferret shelters.

2008 I was thinking of getting a new sort of pet. I've always been an avid animal lover. Ive owned a dog, cats, hamsters, gerbils and birds. The family even had a pet rabbit once. When I met my husband and moved to the United States from Canada I had to leave my old pets behind. I owned some hamsters and gerbils, we got two cats. I tried birds again but it turned out my hubby couldn't tolerate the chattery natures of feathered friends. He was also allergic to dogs, so that was out of the question and considering our living arrangements weren't ideal for a canine anyway.

I thought about guinea pigs, but since I have a tendency to get allergic reactions to things like hay and alfalfa and my husband has asthma we though it best not to. My husband suggested ferrets, since he owned them as a child, and they were a hypoallergenic pet, meaning you cant be allergic to them! great for people with allergy to pet dander. I met a ferret once or twice in my life, but never gave them much mind, which now I cant fathom why!

So I decided to give ferrets a try and adopted by first pair on Cregslist. A pair of white females. I decided to name them Tangy and Mint after characters from the Nintendo DS game Animal crossing. Tangy was a dark eyed white, and Mint was a roan mitt. Ferrets are like chips, its hard to just try one or two and not want more! I decided I wanted a dark sable ferret to add to my collection of white carpet sharks. I contacted a local shelter ( who I found on PetFinder that had a beautiful black hooded sable. To make a long story short, we came back home with two ferrets that day! Yuka, the black sable, and Penny, a sable mitt that my husband fell in love with for her white feet!

A while later a woman at my husbands work had a ferret she wanted to give up becasue one of the pair had died and the family decided they didn't want ant more pets. Thus Latte came into our lives!

For a long while I wanted to create a way to fund my pets care specifically, and have wanted to give back to the shelters who take care of so many homeless ferrets, and they are not cheap pets to care for, though they are worth the expense! I put it off to long, but the recent passing of my little dooker Tangy I was re inspired to dive into this project Ive wanted to start for a long time.

So in memory to Tangy I make this blog and hope that it allows me to give back all she gave me



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My Carpet Sharks

My Carpet Sharks



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